lunes, 22 de abril de 2013

A poem of mine translated into English (by Shivana Maraj)

First post in English, that´s weird :p. Just to show one of my poems to my English-speaker friends who wanted to read something from me but whose Spanish is limited to "Hola, ¿qué tal?", "Eyyy, Macarena" and "Me gusta tu cuca". Especially dedicated to Shilpita, although her Spanish is so fluido than she became a friend of mi mamá ("tú vas India, yo vas España, te quiero mucho como la trucha al trucho"). 

Most of my poems are comical and talking about politics, but writen in dialect, so they kind of difficult to be translated. That´s why my loved Shivana chose one of the few poems writen in "standard" Spanish, so she could translate it into "standard" English. Maybe next time she could try it from dialectal Spanish to Trini creole English... :)


I give her a branch and she flies like a bird
And sends me postcards from the farthest land
Always drawing the way
That I follow without doubt

In the background is the sea, always the sea
And she is always, always waiting
While breaking at her feet are waves
Looking for a shore since Homer's time

And just when the waves threaten to drown her
She escapes flying like a bird
And no one could tell
On which branch this flight will end

Whenever someone asks me
I say it's very easy to find her
Just get on the first train
And don't get off until the last stop

And that is how one day
I found her holding the world
As if it were an apple
And life was a bite

(From Epilírica. Madrid: Hiperión, 2008)

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